
Star trek online andorian ships
Star trek online andorian ships

Pilot ManeuversĪs Pilot vessels, all the Escorts contained in this bundle will be capable of executing Pilot Maneuvers once every few seconds. Ships from all factions share the same three Universal Consoles and Starship Traits with variants from the other factions.

star trek online andorian ships

There are total of 9 variants, 3 each being available for Federation, Klingon Defense Force, and Romulan Republic captains. These starships will soon be available in the C-Store and can be purchased by level 50 players (Vice Admiral and Lieutenant General ranks). Meanwhile, a team of scientists from the Romulan Republic have been studying and restoring ancient Dewan technology found in the ruins beneath the surface of New Romulus, whose findings include remarkable technology based on Iconian ingenuity.

star trek online andorian ships

These efforts have produced a new breed of Pilot Escort, representing a unique blend of these technologies.Īndorian members of the Federation have offered their superior mobility subsystems and targeting computers, while Lethean neuro-interfaces have been integrated to improve crew response times with other surprising results. The latest projects have been exploring techniques common in the shipbuilding practices of species that haven’t typically stood at the forefront of the Alliance. Amid this chaos, new technologies are being pursued by Alliance scientists and engineers in hopes of returning peace to the Alpha Quadrant. Tzenkethi forces loom, threatening life in every corner of known space, even as a dangerous and unknown threat surfaces.

Star trek online andorian ships