
Need for speed hot pursuit police cars
Need for speed hot pursuit police cars

Championship is a 33-event career of cop-free racing challenges, and the victor gains the title of "World Champion". So if you're serious about racing the last thing you want is a bungling cop swerving onto the track and throwing off your next turn. Racing performance cars at top speed is not a forgiving pastime one small mistake can send you spinning into the back of the pack or worse. Adjust your rearview mirror to dim those flashing lights and make sure the tank is full You're in for a long, hard drive. Challenges range from simple getaways to nerve-wracking lap knockouts with enough police presence to stop a truck. It's not every day you find yourself running from the law in an exotic car, unless of course you're playing Hot Pursuit mode and working your way around through 33 high-speed challenges to gain the title "Ultimate Road Racer". This section is taken from the NFS Hot Pursuit 2 manual.

Need for speed hot pursuit police cars